About Our Charity
The objective of this group is to bring together people that are living with a bleeding disorder. This includes all bleeding disorders and all people including individuals and families with children of any age.
Anyone can join if they are looking for support but, our focus for face to face events initially will be south London, central London, Surrey, Kent and Essex.
We want to provide face-to-face contact where we can spend time together at social events meeting others who "just get it".
The objective of meeting up, is to build a strong and supportive community of families. Whether you are a parent, a patient,
a sibling or other family member, this group is here to ensure you have other members of this incredible community to meet
up with once in a while and share support, advice, experiences and friendship.
Our aim is to hold around four main family events each year (typically around January, April, July and October) with additional
meet ups subject to need, request and available budget.
Website created by Rayner Rayner Photography, any website issues should be reported via contacts page